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critical alert "MQ Service is not running"

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False error messages can be avoided by extending timeouts.


Question/Issue Description:


FileCloud checks if the Message Queue service is active and generates an alert if the last processed entry is too old.
Under certain circumstances, this test may report an error even though the MQ service is active.


The check (FileCloud Admin Portal -> Settings -> Support Services) shows the MQ service as active.


Environment Details:

  • Product - FileCloud Server
  • Version - 23.x
  • Platform - All
  • Application - 

Error/Log Message:


MQ Service is not running


Steps to Reproduce:



To avoid these alerts, the parameter TONIDOCLOUD_MQ_ALIVE_TIME_SECONDS can be set to a value higher than 190 (default).

  1. Open the configuration file:
    Windows: XAMPP DIRECTORY/htdocs/config/cloudconfig.php
    Linux: /var/www/config/cloudconfig.php
  2. Add the line:

  3. Save and close cloudconfig.php.

Notes: This resolution is applicable only if the fcorechstrator service is running. In Windows, you can verify this from Windows Services, and in Linux, using the command service fcorchestrator status.

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