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2FA authentication via email - Email server not available

Support Portal  »  Knowledgebase  »  Viewing Article

Original Question/Issue:  SMTP server used by filecloud to send 2FA emails is down, not able to login to FileCloud using 2FA.


  • Product - On-premise
  • Version - All
  • Platform - All
  • Application - 2FA
Steps to Reproduce: Email server issue preventing 2FA codes to be delivered
Error/Log Message: Email delivery error
Defect/Enhancement Number:  
Cause: SMTP email server down

If 2FA is enabled for FileCloud User Interface ONLY then connect to Admin Portal > Settings > Policies > Global Default Policy > 2FA > Enable Two Factor Authentication > No  then Save

If you have users belonging to other policies you can do the same for that policy.


If 2FA is enabled for FileCloud Admin Portal too then you'll have to first reset admin password, this will set the admin password to "password" and disable 2FA for the Admin Portal. Afterward apply the same procedure as described above.




Please follow one of the procedures listed in the below support docs link in order to reset FileCloud admin password:

Resetting Admin Password - FileCloud Docs - Server

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