When reviewing Installation Checks from FileCloud Admin Portal > Checks you can see the error " ---Database Ensure Index Failed "
Question/Issue Description:
- The error has appeared after upgrading FileCloud server application
- You have Mongod database replica set
Environment Details:
Error/Log Message:
---Database Ensure Index Failed
Steps to Reproduce:
Upgrade FileCloud HA platform with Mongod replica set
rs.status() Mongod command show not healthy secondary DB node: stateStr: 'RECOVERING'
Rebuild the data on the secondary DB node , please proceed as below on that node only:
- Stop mongod process on the unhealthy secondary DB node: systemctl stop mongod
- Locate mongod data path: grep dbPath /etc/mongod.conf (will assume it's /var/lib/mongo)
- Take backup of data: tar zcvf /tmp/mongod_data.tgz /var/lib/mongo/
- Empty the mongod data directory: rm -rf /var/lib/mongo/*
- Start mongod process: systemctl start mongod