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Disable HTTP protocol

Support Portal  »  Knowledgebase  »  Viewing Article


Original Question/Issue:


Enforce access to FileCloud On-Premise platform over HTTPS protocol only.



  • Product - FileCloud On-Premise
  • Version - ALL
  • Platform - Windows
  • Application - Apache web server

Steps to Reproduce:


In a web browser try accessing your FileCloud Admin Portal or User Interface URL via HTTP protocol.


Error/Log Message:


FileCloud Admin Portal and User Interface are showing over the HTTP protocol.




HTTP port 80 is enabled in Apache web server.




To Disable HTTP on Windows:


- Open the webserver config file for editing:  c:\xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf

- Comment out the line with Listen 80

- Save and close the file
- Restart Apache web server from FileCloud Control Panel




Ensure that below points are met prior to change configuration and restarting the Apache web server:


- FileCloud URL is reachable over HTTPS protocol

- FileCloud URL and SSL certificates are configured and resolves from Admin Portal > Settings > Server > Check URL


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