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How to Update MongoDB Certificates

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Original Question

or Issue:

Certificates have expired for MongoDB and we just reissued them.  Now unable to connect to MongoDB and the database is down.


  • Product - FileCloud on-prem
  • Version - Any
  • Platform - Any
  • Application - MongoDB
Steps to Reproduce:  
Error or Log Message:  

Defect or

Enhancement Number:

Cause: Certificates were not copied correctly.

Resolution or


Replacing certificates in MongoDB can be a complex process.  Below are steps to replace.  The notes section has more information.  Please contact support with additional questions.

  • Copy to each node the CA certificate file: mongoCA.crt
  • Copy each self-signed certificate <hostname>.pem into the relative member
  • Create on each member a directory that only the MongoDB user can read, and copy both files there

    OS Linux Command

    $ sudo mkdir -p /etc/mongodb/ssl
    $ sudo chmod 700 /etc/mongodb/ssl
    $ sudo chown -R mongod:mongod /etc/mongodb
    $ sudo cp mongossl1.pem /etc/mongodb/ssl
    $ sudo cp mongoCA.crt /etc/mongodb/ssl

  • Copy these files to all web nodes and make sure apache has access:


Change the configuration file /etc/mongod.conf on each host adding the following rows:

     OS Linux Command
       mode: requireSSL
       PEMKeyFile: /etc/mongodb/ssl/mongossl1.pem
       CAFile: /etc/mongodb/ssl/mongoCA.crt


Restart Mongod Daemon:

$ Systemctl restart mongod

Notes:  Configuring TLS/SSL and Authentication for MongoDB Cluster (

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