When trying to log in via SSO, it shows the error "An internal error has occurred while processing your request."
The issue might happen due to Apache web server missing Alias reference.
Question/Issue Description:
Getting the error "An internal error has occurred while processing your request" when trying to login via SSO.
Environment Details:
Product - FileCloud Server
Version - upto 23.232.x
Platform - OnPremise
Verify the below line is added to Apache configuration files mentioned below based on the OS FileCloud is installed and Apache service restarted:
Alias /simplesaml "/xampp/htdocs/thirdparty/simplesaml/www"
Windows Server: c:\xampp\apache\conf\extra\httpd-filecloud.conf
Ubuntu: /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf
RHEL: /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf
More details can be found in the "Configure Apache Webserver" section under the SAML configuration documentation.