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Cannot login to admin portal

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Original Question

or Issue:

 Cannot log in to the Admin Portal to a new license. The site has been down for 4 days now. Original FileCloud admin is no longer with the company. 


  • Product - FileCloud Server
  • Version -  Any
  • Platform - Any
  • Application - Admin Portal 
Steps to Reproduce:




Error or Log Message:  

Defect or

Enhancement Number:

Cause: The admin user name was changed to something they don't know thus the conventional admin password reset is not working.

Resolution or


If access to the admin portal is not possible and the default admin username and password cannot be recovered, we can use the MongoDB Shell to retrieve what value was set for the admin username.

  • Connect to the FileCloud Server host.
  • Launch the MongoDB Shell from C:\xampp\mongodb\bin for Windows, and for the executable can be invoked directly. 
    • Mongo.exe for older versions
    • Mongosh.exe for newer version of MongoDB
  • Run the commands below
    use tonidosettings
    db.sites.find({ "": "TONIDOCLOUD_ADMIN_USER" }, { "settings.$": 1 }).pretty()

The command above should return something like:
    _id: ObjectId("64b03e74f305487056027512"),
    settings: [ { name: 'TONIDOCLOUD_ADMIN_USER', value: 'admin' } ]



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