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Issue searching files by keyword

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Federated search not showing all files that match criteria on an NTFS network share


Question/Issue Description:


Some files from a Network Share are missing in the search results



Environment Details:

  • Product - FileCloud Server
  • Version - ALL
  • Platform - Windows
  • Application - Solr, Helper

Error/Log Message:


No error but there are missing files in the search results



Steps to Reproduce:


- Have an NTFS network share configured


- FileCloud services run as Domain User different from the Logon Apache Domain User


- Perform a search on a Network Share from Admin Portal > Federated Search  





- All FileCloud Services should run as Domain User who has access to the network location


- It's recommended to use the same Domain Log On User for all FileCloud services (Solr, Memcached, Orchestrator, Helper, Push and Cron) as the Apache Domain Log On User





Please note those services needs to be restarted from FileCloud Control Panel in order for the change to take effect.



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