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Misleading Login UI Error Message

Support Portal  »  Knowledgebase  »  Viewing Article


Original Question

or Issue:

When users type the wrong password to log into filecloud, they are presented with an error that says their accounts are locked out, even though they are not.  This is causing a lot of work for us in responding to these issues.


  • Product - FileCloud Server
  • Version - Any
  • Platform - Any
  • Application - User Login Methods
Steps to Reproduce:




Error or Log Message:  

Defect or

Enhancement Number:


Active directory is controlling users login method and lockout.  However if they type in the password wrong on the FileCloud instance, they are presented with a misleading error prompt.

Resolution or


To get around this, a custom error message can be presented to the user which is more friendly and less intrusive for the admin.

Navigate too:

Customization > Customization > UI Messages

At the bottom you will see "Login Error Message".  Here a new message can be filled out that is different than the default.


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