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SSO login not working after upgrading to 23.241

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Original Question/Issue:


Login using Single Sign-on(SSO) is getting blanc page after the upgrade to version 23.241



  • Product - Server
  • Version - 23.241
  • Platform - Any

Steps to Reproduce:

Upgrade to version 23.241 and higher 


Error/Log Message:

Redirecting to the blanc page when using SSO login



The alias for SSO metadata and the simplesaml settings was changed in the ulterior versions of 23.241




A)- Update the Alias for SAML settings: 



  1. Navigate to the following directory

  2. Open the following file for editing

  3. Add the following line at the end of the file

    Alias /simplesaml "/xampp/htdocs/thirdparty/simplesaml/public"


  4. Save the file.
  5. Open the FileCloud Control Panel.
  6. Use the control panel to stop and start the Webserver.



  1. Open one of the the following files for editing:

    /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf for HTTP (for port 80)
    /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default-ssl.conf for HTTPS (for port 443)
  2. Add the following line within <VirtualHost *:80> for HTTP connection or <VirtualHost *.443> for HTTPS connection. You can place it under the line DocumentRoot /var/www/html.

    Alias /simplesaml /var/www/html/thirdparty/simplesaml/public 
  3. To restart the apache webserver, run the following command:

    service apache2 restart OR systemctl restart apache2


  1. Open one of the the following files for editing:
    /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf (for port 80)
    /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf (for port 443) 
  2. Add the following line within <VirtualHost *:80> for HTTP connection or <VirtualHost *.443> for HTTPS connection. You can place it under the line DocumentRoot /var/www/html.

    Alias /simplesaml /var/www/html/thirdparty/simplesaml/public 
  3. To restart the webserver, run the following command:
    service httpd restart OR systemctl restart httpd


B)- Use the simplesaml settings provided in the package and update it with the customized settings if exist: 

Version 23.241.x of FileCloud has updated SimpleSAML to version 2.x. If your FileCloud build uses SSO, please take the following steps to replace your old configuration files with new ones; otherwise, SSO will not work correctly in your system.

  1. Go to your SimpleSAML config directory.
    Windows: C:xampp\htdocs\thirdparty\simplesaml\config
    Linux: /var/www/html/thirdparty/simplesaml/config
  2. Rename:
    config.php to config.php.bak
    authsources.php to authsources.php.bak
  3. Then rename:
    config.php-[date] to config.php
    authsources.php-[date] to authsources.php
  4. Copy any modifications you made to the original config.php (now config.php.bak) to the current config.php
  5. Copy any modifications you made to the original authsources.php (now authsoruces.php.bak) to the current authsources.php



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Make Section B more apparent, as it looks like it is under RHEL and can be easily missed.

STEP 2 (in BOLD) and note at the top there are 2 Parts.


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