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Fails to download zip or media files from the Web User Portal.

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Downloading single shared files fails and shows an error in the server logs related to maximum execution time.


Question/Issue Description:


Users experience a failed download when trying to download a single shared file and receive an error in the server logs related to maximum execution time. This issue usually occurs with zip and large media files, and when the FileCloud Server version is earlier than 23.232.



Environment Details:

  • Product - Web User Portal
  • Version - Any version earlier than 23.232
  • Platform - ALL
  • Application - ALL

Error/Log Message:


2024-04-03 23:33:59.661679 ERROR: [17121799796433] SHUTDOWNERROR: Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded on line 171 in file C:\xampp\htdocs\thirdparty\vendor\guzzlehttp\psr7\src\Stream.php.
2024-04-03 23:33:59.662658 ERROR: [17121799796433] HTTP FAILURE : SERVER_ERROR 50




This issue has been identified as a bug in an earlier version of FileCloud Server. It has been reported, and has a reference number of CL-13478. To resolve the issue, you need to upgrade to FileCloud Server v. 23.232 or later. Please see the Upgrade Notes for FileCloud 23.232 or later.



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